Monday, May 6, 2019

Her Girl, Amber

Amy looked forward to every summer break when she was in high school.  Where some went on vacation, some spent lazy days outdoors, and some worked part time to gain employment experience, Amy volunteered at the local humane society.

The condominium Amy and her family lived in did not allow dogs, so she always took special care of the puppies and older dogs waiting for their forever homes.

This summer break was rather bittersweet for Amy.  She was heading into her senior year and would be leaving the state for college after graduation.

"We are just so sad to see you go at the end of your break.  The pups especially will miss you."

"I'll miss you guys too, but I do still have one more week.  Don't get sentimental yet.  You'll make me cry."

A sorrowful bark could be heard from one of the kennels.

Amy instinctively knew the bark.

Amber was a one-year-old Poodle-Cocker Spaniel mix that had called Paw Five Humane Society home all summer.  This broke Amy's heart because Amber was always eager to please, playfully goofy, known to be good with children and other animals, and possessed a truly gentle soul.

"Amber, why do you sound so sad today?" Amy asked as she hooked a leash to Amber's collar.

"Come on, girl.  Let's go for our daily walk."

Their daily walk had the same destination - down the deserted side street and to a grassy hill overlooking a pond and new residential construction.  Amy always had a toy or two on hand and Amber always loved playtime.  Today seemed different though.

As Amy settled down, she tossed a favorite rope toy for Amber to chase and bring back.  Amber stared in the direction of the toy and then back at Amy.

"Amber, honey, don't you want to play?"

Amber looked deep into Amy's eyes.  Her little soul knew Amy would be leaving soon.  There was one trait about Amber that Amy would forever miss - her want of giving love to others.

"Okay, girl.  Come sit in my lap and I'll just pet you."

They sat on the grassy hill for what seemed like hours.  Amy spoke to Amber as though Amber could actually understand and respond.  She gently petted Amber and lightly rubbed her belly.  Amy had created a bond with Amber over the past summer months that was irreplaceable and permanent.  Amy often wished she could bring Amber home with her, but knew that a forever home was out there somewhere.

Amy glanced at her watch and realized that a couple of hours really had gone by.  She picked up the toys, took hold of the leash, and said,

"Come on girl, time to go."

When the two came back and Amy got Amber settled into her kennel with new food and water, Amy resumed other tasks.

At five o'clock, Amy said goodbye to the staff for the day and headed home.

The next day...

"Where's Amber?" Amy asked one of the staff members when she checked on the dogs in their kennels.

She didn't need to ask.  She knew.  Joan - the Paw Five Humane Society director - swelled with tears and said,

"She's been adopted."


Good tears.  Happy tears.  Amber finally found a forever home.  But Amber was Amy's girl.  You know what, Amy thought to herself.  Amber would always be in her heart and thoughts.  Amber would always be Amy's girl.  

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