Monday, March 25, 2019

A Boxer's Story

Every house on the block was decorated for Halloween - pumpkins lining the steps leading to the front porches, ghostly figures lined in the front lawns, a witch's hat on either side of the front doors, cackling noises played over stereos on the front porches, and a welcome greeting hanged on the front doors - Happy Halloween!  Welcome Trick or Treaters!

Danny loved this time of year because he got to dress in anything his imagination desired.  Otherwise, however, he did not look forward to leaving his home and going to school.

Danny was eleven years old and well into the sixth grade.  His seating chart in ever class was in the back of every room.  He often strained his eyes to see the blackboard because for some reason, his teachers wrote in small print.

One day, Danny came home early with a headache.

"Mom, I just can't see across the rooms.  What should I do?"

"Well, I think we should get your sight checked."

When they went to the eye doctor, Danny struggled to read the finer print in the eye chart.

"Okay, Mrs. Lawrence, your son has severe difficulty seeing long distance and if gone untreated, he could experience physical ill symptoms.  I am going to write a prescription for glasses.  Is this okay with you, buddy?" the doctor spoke warmly.

Danny nodded yes.

He picked out the frames he liked and had the prescription lenses placed in the frames.  He felt more at ease now...

...Until his classmates started making fun of him and the glasses he loved so much.  He no longer had headaches from poor vision, but now had headaches from his bullies at school.

The only friend Danny ever trusted was his dog, Boxer, a Boxer breed he simply named Boxer.  They played together.  They took naps together.  They truly were inseparable.  Boxer was very protective of his family - especially Danny.  Boxer was never afraid to show off his breed's natural boxing nature when he felt his family was in need of guarding.

On this Halloween, Danny chose to look like a tough guy boxer.  As he left his home to go trick or treating, Boxer trotted alongside.  Danny felt safe.  He was a tough guy tonight.  His trusted companion was with him.  And he could see clearly with his favorite glasses.  He enjoyed his favorite holiday of the year...

...Until the bullies approached him and started saying mean things that this time made him cry.  When this made them keep going with hurtful words, Boxer showed off his breed's boxing nature.  His companion needed him now more than ever.

Boxer raised his body and began making boxing motions as if he was in a boxing ring.  He also growled.

"Okay, okay!  We're sorry!  We'll never be a bother again!"

The bullies ran away and never bothered Danny again.

Danny and Boxer had quite the story to tell for some time to come.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Laura! I always hope my Bedtime Tails stories will inspire creativity and messages, especially such a story as Boxer. Paw five to Boxer! :)
